dimanche 16 février 2014

Le maquillage!

I have never posted about it anywhere, and I'm not sure why. I have loved quality makeup since I was old enough to wear it. I don't know if I feel like typing out each individual product/brush and how I applied it, but really this is just about my newest discovery - highlighting & contouring. It can change your face drastically! I am still learning and will be changing this lots over time I'm sure. This isn't going to be a makeup blog, but makeup is fun & definitely one of my hobbies.
Today I decided to highlight & contour and wear mascara and sport a more "natural" looking face....I feel like such a liar using the word natural at all in this post. There is a lot of makeup involved. Like the most makeup ever.

All I can say is I'm sorry.....
Sort of sorry about this one, too.

This unamused picture shows how much thinner the contouring makes my nose appear.

That's it for now! I'm getting back into the makeup game so I will be posting makeup pictures periodically. Highlighting & countouring is so much fun though =^_^=

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