jeudi 14 novembre 2013

Les Livres.

Well, since I got a kindle for my birthday (something I swore against doing because I liked paper books) I have started reading a lot more. And I realized, the kindle is a beautiful thing. It takes up less space, the pages don't get folded, you never lose your spot, and you don't lose your highlighter in your bed every 2 minutes. You can un-hilight easily, you don't have to go to the book store, it costs way less money, there are lots of free options, etc etc. So, even though I wanted to be old fashioned and deny technology taking over the world - I'm converted.

I'm not sure why it is, but I have always steered clear of fiction books. Now that my roommates and I can share books on our kindles, I plan to start reading them too. The kindle is changing me!! This is below is when I stopped at a coffee shop in Kingston and read The Gifts of Imperfection.
Look! It even looks kind of cute!

Recently though, I have stuck to my norm - books that leave me with something. The first book I downloaded was Lauren Conrad's beauty book (how 16 of me). But we all know Lauren Conrad is hot.

This book is great. I immediately plucked my eyebrows, painted my nails (with a base coat), used moisturizer, toner and exfoliated my face and started using bronzer after closing it.. or pressing home or whatever. It explains everything from exercise and sleep to not ever scrutinizing your face in a magnifying mirror. Read it!

The Gifts of Imperfection
So I guess this would be my first time reading a "self-help" book, which I actually find kind of odd. I loved it, and I'm a little sad that I can't be reading it forever. It helps you identify when you're being too harsh on yourself, teaches you how to prevent it and teaches you how important YOU time is. It made me want to sleep more, relax more and listen to more music. It also taught me a lot about showing compassion to other people without feeling like I have to solve everyone's problems. It even inspired me to stop caring about what everyone else thinks and start my own blog!

I'd highly recommend it if you're looking for a solution to every problem you have.

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